
everything i do is so fucking amazing that sparks are going to shoot out of your eyes

Month: June 2013

The 2013 Clarion UCSD Write-a-Thon Post

So, it’s that time of year again and this year’s crop of Clarion UCSD/West/whatever students are getting ready to go forth to San Diego, or come here to Seattle and Clarion for six weeks. I, however, having done Clarion already, will mostly be sitting at home trying to write.

I’m not doing anything particularly special this year, although I’ll probably be tweeting incessantly about both the write-a-thon and the What Fates Impose Kickstarter, because I’m nothing if not a loud, obnoxious hypocrite (yay).

In any case:

a) Clarion UCSD is running a Write-a-Thon again this year
b) I’m doing the Write-a-Thon: Here is my page! You can sponsor (which means just sending Clarion money and making me feel warm and fuzzy inside), or you can pledge. Pledging puts more pressure on me to actually write some shit this summer.
c) You can do it too: (They’re trying to reach 225 participants by June 23!)

My goal for the 6 weeks is 50,000 words. The goal is listed in sort of a clumsy fashion, because I wanted people to be able to pledge per unit, but once you get to 50,000 units the pledging amounts get ridiculous, and it’s something like 0.0001 dollars per word. So you can pledge per 500 word unit. Or something. I don’t know, whatever, there are 100 of them.

That’s pretty much it for now.

My “What Fates Impose” Story Is Full Of Vomit



A while back, I announced that I’d sold a short story to Nayad Monroe for an anthology project. I wrote a story inspired by an event back in Bellingham that involved, erm, a lot of marshmallow peeps. If you’re from Bellingham, you may remember this event. If not… well, I totally never did anything that sounds anything like any part of the story in the anthology, ever.

Shifty Eyes Gif

Anyway! The anthology as a whole looks pretty cool. It’s called “What Fates Impose” and is full of stories about predicting the future, since that always goes well. There are stories by Ken Scholes, Cat Rambo, Rochita Loenen-Ruiz, some assorted Inkpunks, and a bunch of others. Also, I’m sorry everybody, but Beth Wodzinski wins the trophy for best story title with, “One Tiny Misstep (In Bed).” CONGRATULATIONS, BETH. YOU GET A PRIZE. THE PRIZE IS… okay there isn’t really a prize for that. Sorry.

Right now, there’s a Kickstarter running for the book, where you can pre-order the ebook, print book, or get some other neat backer rewards. Because I’m super creative and original, I’ve got a few fiction critiques on offer as higher tier backer rewards.

Here’s the link.

On top of everything listed in the actual Kickstarter page, Nayad is currently running an additional giveaway for people who back the project before June 21: Details, details, details.

The project should be pretty cool and you should totally back it if you haven’t already. And I’m not even just saying that because I want to get paid.


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